Wolf trapping course May 23 in Kalispell

The Montana Furharvesters Association and the Montana Trappers Association, in partnership with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, are holding a free wolf trapper education and certification course on May 23 at Pine Grove Pond in Kalispell.

montana wolf trapping course in kalispell, montana living, montana furharvesters

The public is invited to participate in this course. Participants who want to receive formal certification as a wolf trapper and are 11 and older will need to register here and pass a brief test at the conclusion of the course. Before setting a wolf trap in Montana, a person must successfully complete either a one-time Montana FWP or Idaho offered trapper education and certification course.

The sessions will focus on wolf trapping ethics, regulations, trap ID, lures/baits and other information to help you in the field. Participants should bring their own lunch, otherwise lunch will be provided for $10. To request a lunch, please RSVP with Tom Fieber at (406) 250-3386.

Parking is limited at Pine Grove Pond so please carpool if you can. Pine Grove is 3 miles northeast of Kalispell off Rose Crossing east of Whitefish Stage Road and just west of the Whitefish River.
Register for the class: https://www.register-ed.com/programs/montana/102-montana-wolf-trapping-certification-class