Bald eagles nesting on Upper Missouri River Breaks

Montana Living Upper Missouri River Breaks eagles

montana living bald eagle upper missouri river breaks national monumentPublic asked to keep distance

Due to the presence of nesting Bald Eagles, McGarry Bar and Greasewood Bottom primitive campsites on the Missouri River are temporarily closed to the public to prevent disturbance and nest abandonment.


McGarry Bar, located at River Mile 103.1, and Greasewood Bottom, located at River Mile 109.6, are common stops for floaters in the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument.  


Bald Eagles are no longer listed as a Threatened Species under the Endangered Species Act however, they are still protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which prevent disturbance which may affect health or productivity. This species is considered a BLM Designated Sensitive Species, currently recovering and expanding to historic nesting territories.


The Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument Resource Management Plan states the BLM will not allow disruptive activities within a quarter of a mile of active Bald Eagle nests.  The BLM is a participant in the Bald Eagle Recovery Plan and ongoing efforts to protect, manage for and facilitate the return of nesting Bald Eagles wherever suitable habitat exists.


River users are encouraged to enjoy viewing as they float past and help the BLM manage for and protect this American icon, free from disturbance, until their young are ready to leave the nest site. The BLM will reopen the camping areas when the eagles have moved on.  


For information on eagle nesting, contact BLM Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument Wildlife Biologist Jody Peters (406) 262-2832.