In the Arts events for Western Montana
International Choral Festival
World harmony under the Big Sky! Choirs from all over the world come to Missoula for another amazingly unique choral festival, July 13 - 16, 2016. Admission buttons cost $20. Children 12 and under attend for free. Go to the Choral Festival's website for schedules and venues, and to purchase your button.

11th Annual Sunday Streets
Sunday Streets Missoula returns for its 11th year on July 17 from 12 - 4 PM. Over 50 local businesses and organizations gather on Higgins Street from the XXX's to 5th St. to provide FREE, fun, family-friendly activities in a safe walk/bike environment. Do yoga on the bridge, get your face painted, learn flamenco and oula, or play hop skotch! The activities are endless.

Bike downtown and join in on the fun!
Sunday Streets needs volunteers! Greet and count Sunday Streets visitors while enjoying the transformation of downtown Higgins into a car-free place. The first 15 minutes of your shift will be a volunteer training/overview of the day. If you have never volunteered and have questions on how the day will go, please send an email. Volunteers are thanked with lunch, an exclusive t-shirt and a free ice cream coupon! You can register to volunteer online here!
Northside/Westside Block Party
Zootown Arts Community Center hosts the 5th annual Northside/Westside Block Party on Saturday, July 16, from 3 - 9 PM. N. 1st St. will be closed down between ZACC and the Kettlehouse to accomodate an amazing evening of music, arm wrestling, food trucks, T-shirt printing, games, circus arts, and more!
This event brings awareness about the great culture and organizations that reside in the north and west neighborhoods of Missoula. Visit ZACC's site for more information.
VonCommon VonDays Local artist collective, VonCommon, and the Roxy Theater are collaborating to bring you "VonCommon VonDays!" a screening series every Monday night that showcases the work of local, regional, and national media artists. Expect great documentaries, short films, and stop motions about artists and art movements. The inaugural VonDays screening takes place Monday, July 11, at the Roxy Theater at 8 PM. Check out the Roxy Theater's schedule for details about this Monday series. |
Missoula Colony 21
The Colony begins a new chapter in the 21st celebration of the playwright's craft! From July 21 - 24 at the Masquer Theatre, come enjoy staged readings of five new plays by guest artists, including Chelsea Marcantel, Kevin Kicking Woman, Heather Benton, and more.
Participate in a public forum examining the needs of a new generation of playwrights, as well as a keynote address from visiting writer Samuel D. Hunter, recipient of a 2014 MacArthur "Genius Grant" Fellowship. To learn more, contact Salina at 243-6809 or visit Missoula Colony's website.
Regional Art & Culture Events
New Exhibition at the Yellowstone Art Museum Opens with Resonant Work by Four Montana Artists
Join area art lovers for the opening reception of a new exhibition 5:30-7:30 PM, Thursday, July 14th. The exhibition remains on view through October 2nd.
Echo: Unspoken Dialects is organized by the Yellowstone Art Museum in Billings, curated by Senior Curator Bob Durden. The exhibition includes work by artists who are represented in the museum's Montana Collection. The exhibition is appropriate for all ages. For more information, visit YAM's website.
Classes, Workshops, & Camps
Youth Writing Camps
Missoula Writing Collaborative is offering several July writing camps for young writers ages 8 - 14 and high school age writers. Workshops and camps include poetry, fiction, non-fiction, songwriting, and more. Please visit MWC's website to register your kids for these amazing young writers' camps today!
July Classes at the ZACC
Zootown Arts Community Center always offers a colorful variety of art classes and workshops to fulfill your creative cravings. This summer, sign up for watercolors, silkscreen printing, glass fusing, kids puppet theater and mosaic camps, drop-in studio time, and more.
Visit ZACC's site for info or call 549-7555.
Summer Camp at the Museum
The Missoula Art Museum offers several day camps for children, including printmaking, plein air painting, costume-making, and puppet-making. Be sure to register soon as slots fill up fast.
Visit MAM's website for details about upcoming summer camps for the kiddos!
Ongoing Exhibitions & Events
Summer Star-Gazing at the Planetarium
The University of Montana Department of Physics and Astronomy invites the public to its summer planetarium shows in the Payne Family Native American Center Star Gazing Room this May through August. Tickets and showtimes are limited. Shows generally sell out far in advance and are not available the night of the show.
Purchase your tickets online here.
Missoula City Band Free Summer Concert Series at Bonner Park
Missoula City Band's open-air concerts are on each Wednesday evening at the Bonner Park Band Shell (corner of Ronald & Hastings Streets) at 8 PM, June 22 - August 12. This community service is provided by the generous support of the City of Missoula, hundred of willing musicians and supporters, and YOU!
This Month at Radius Gallery
Radius Gallery is delighted to present new works by Michael Haykin, Dana Boussard, and Dale Livezey, three highly accomplished painters. Exhibition dates: June 17 - July 23.
Upcoming Exhibit Events:
Jul 8 - 5pm - Artist Talk with Michael Haykin
Jul 22 - 5pm - 10 Questions with Dale Livezey
Visit Radius Gallery's website for more info.
MMAC Summer Exhibitions & Events
The Montana Museum of Art & Culture at the University of Montana carved out time this summer and space in its galleries for engravings by Frederic Remington, as well as 51 contemporary artists from around the world.
"Dramatic Moments: Frederick Remington's Early Engravings, 1882-1895" and "The Wood Engravers' Network Triennial Exhibition" will be on display from Thursday, June 9, to Saturday, Sept. 17, in the Meloy and Paxson galleries in UM's Performing Arts and Radio/Television Center.
Free docent tours: July 7 and August 5 at 5 PM
Free public lecture: "Remington's Formative Years," by art collector and educator Lee Silliman, September 8 from 7 - 8:30 PM
For gallery hours and more info, visit MMAC's website.
Current Exhibitions at MAM
Missoula Art Museum is a contemporary art museum with free admission every day. Current exhibitions include:
NEW: Devin Leonardi: In Memoriam
July 5 - September 10
Holly Andres: The Homecoming
April 8 - August 20
Abbie Miller: Exit Strategies
April 1 - August 13
Larry Thomas: Ammophilia
March 4 - July 23
Frank Stella: Henry Garden
April 18 - August 20
Karen McAlister Shimoda: Field Notes
June 3 - October 1
MAM Studio Art Teachers' Exhibition
June 1 - August 27
On View at ZACC This Month
ZACC welcomes the traveling show "Bitter Pill: Montana Lives Affected by Rx Abuse", an art exhibition that aims to express the human side of prescription drug abuse and recovery. This powerful show is the product of The United States Drug Enforcement Administration, the District of Montana U.S. Attorney's Office, and the Montana Attorney General's Office Resolve Montana initiative.
ZACC also welcomes "Emotion in Motion" an art exhibition by Kelly Loder to the hallway gallery. Loder is a bipolar abstract artist who does not limit herself to one medium.
Visit ZACC's website for more info.
Seeking volunteers for the Carousel's Fairy Tale and Superhero Festival on July 30
A Carousel for Missoula needs volunteers for its annual Fairy Tale and Superhero Festival, Saturday, July 30. Volunteers will help with set-up, activities, and clean-up from 8:30 AM - 1 PM on the day of the event. They also need volunteers to help stuff 500 goodie bags in preparation for the event. Please call the Carousel at 549-8382, or sign up to volunteer online.
Magnificent Obsession Morphs Into a Stained-Glass Museum
Passageways lined in stained glass snake through a museum in progress on a quiet side street here, and workers are filling the galleries with iridescent mosaics, opalescent glass vases and ornate clocks that contain tiny mechanical birds and acrobats... Keep reading

Dada Was Born 100 Years Ago. So What?
On July 14, 1916, the poet Hugo Ball proclaimed the manifesto for a new movement. Its name: Dada. Its aim: to "get rid of everything that smacks of journalism, worms, everything nice and right, blinkered, moralistic, europeanised, enervated." This aim could be achieved simply by saying: "Dada."
Read on...
YWCA Missoula Program Updates
GUTS! Trips are Filling Up
There's still time to register your middle-schooler for our Summer Outdoor Bitterroot Adventure that takes place July 23-28! This program is for first-time GUTS! girls who will get their hands dirty on an organic farm, explore river ecology, learn wilderness skills, and take in the Bitterroot mountains on a three-day, two-night backpacking trip (same location for two nights). The fee for the trip is $200.
To apply, click here, or contact Roe with questions at
Planet Kids Increased Hours is Great for Families
Last May, Planet Kids increased its hours to make our supervised visitation services available to parents on Saturdays between 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. In the last year, Saturdays have become a popular day for our participants, and an open weekend has been a nice change for long-term participants who may need more flexibility in their schedule. We're happy to continue keeping Saturdays open to help parents and children develop their relationship in a safe and peaceful place.
Secret Seconds News & Updates
Secret Seconds Wins "Best of Missoula" in the Independent!
For the second year in a row, you voted Secret Seconds as your favorite place to thrift in Missoula! Shopping and donating to Secret Seconds helps us serve local women and families. Thanks to Missoula for supporting Secret Seconds and the YWCA!
Support Groups Reminder
Each Tuesday evening, YWCA Missoula offers weekly open support groups for female survivors of domestic violence and their children. Groups take place from 6:30-8:00 p.m., and all new and returning participants are invited to join us for a free meal beforehand at 5:30. We have support groups available for children and adult survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Call or email Erica for details at 543-6691 or
You can find additional information on our website, and as always, you can reach our 24-hour crisis line at (406) 542-1944 or (800) 483-7858.
United Way's Day of Caring hosted volunteers from JCCS and Morrison-Maierle to work on projects at the shelter and our Transitional Housing units. The groups cleaned out our much-neglected areas such as the garage, the gutters, and the pantry. It's these small things that make a major difference in our day-to-day work, and keep our shelter and housing programs running as smoothly as possible. A big thanks to the folks at United Way, JCCS, and Morrison-Maierle!
Donate Items to Support YWCA Programs
Sometimes our participants leave with only the clothing on their backs. Your donations help our families through everyday challenges by providing them with basic needs.
Housing Programs need:
- Crib, car seat, and clothes for newborn baby boy
- Camping gear for the families on our wait list
- A bed and a couch or futon for a new family we are currently housing
Pathways Shelter needs:
- New toys and books
- Unused makeup
- Desk fans for summer
- Front-loading freezer to replace our broken one
Children's Program needs:
- New toys, stuffed animals, books, and coloring books
- A Lego table
Planet Kids needs:
- New or gently used ping-pong table (and paddles!) to replace our old one
You can also view our complete wish list here!
Want to donate new things like clean underwear, and 4, 5, and 6 size diapers (which we desperately need right now)? Check out our Gift Registry!
Save the Date!
YWConnects Tours
Tuesday, July 12*
1130 W. Broadway
Noon - 1 p.m.
Tuesday, August 9*
1130 W. Broadway
Noon - 1 p.m.
*Includes light lunch
RSVP to Rebecca at 543-6691 or
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