MSU Chorale and Livingston High School choir perform

The Montana State University ChoraleMontanans and the Livingston High School Concert Choir will join forces to perform composer Benjamin Britten’s “Rejoice in the Lamb” at 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21, at Hope Lutheran Church in Bozeman. Hope Lutheran Church is located at 2152 Graf St.

The cantata is based on Christopher Smart’s mystical poem “Jubilate Agno,” which the poet wrote during the seven years he spent in an insane asylum for supposed religious mania. It is scored for choir and soprano, alto, tenor and bass soloists.

Britten’s work was commissioned to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the consecration of St. Matthew’s Church in Northampton, United Kingdom, and remains one of his most enduring choral works, according to Kirk Aamot, director of the MSU Chorale and Montanans.

Each choir will perform separately before combining to sing Britten’s popular work.

Tickets are $5 for adults, available at the door. The concert is free for all students.    

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